Sunday, June 6, 2021

Basic Information

Basic Information about me and my contact information for anyone interested in reaching out to me outside of replying on blogs. 

    This blog's purpose is primarily to help individuals learning about Austrian or Post-Keynesian radical subjectivists in navigating different economic concepts, considering the difficult of finding adequate material on Radical Subjectivism is such a difficult ordeal in a world of Mainstream Economic aggregates. 

    While the aforementioned is the primary goal of the blog, I will update on certain contemporary matters that I find interesting, whether it be political or philosophical, or plainly my current reading list.

My current interests range from Old Institutionalism to Non-Linear dynamics applied to economics. 
Discord: Eleutheria#9999; I am primarily active on this platform.*

Please note that I have not worked on an upload schedule yet, to the minuscule amount of people who are viewing my blog. I will try my best to post at least once every week-every week in a half, or possible more. 

    For comment policies, I generally will not delete your comments unless they're intentionally rude or impolite. For anonymous comments, try to label yourself with a pseudo-name or something that is recognizable so I can keep track of who you are across posts. 

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