Tuesday, June 15, 2021

A Note on the Future of This Blog

 Minuscule Amount of Readers: 

    This is not a claim that I will end this blog. However, over the time between the last and the recent post, it has occurred to me that Austrian Economics truly is damaged to the core with false economic axioms, leading to a reversion in my thought. I now find myself interested in the Post-Walrasians, but more particularly I have decided to term this blog, rather than a Post-Austrian blog, a Post-Schumpeterian blog. The Neo-Schumpeterians and Post-Keynesians are clearly compatible, to create a superior theory of the market process, along with not inhabiting a dogmatic position that most Austrians espouse. I will still look into an Austrian-Post Keynesian synthesis on business cycles, but the Post-Schumpeterian position particularly interests me. 

    Another interesting development, a friend and I decided to set up a discord server for radical subjectivists, in the Post-Keynesian or Austrian tradition. This server has multiple source channels that I regularly update (note, 2-4 days if no one posts anything) that anyone can post in. Feel free to join:


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